kanélküliség-miatt átmenetinek gondolják a tanyára való kiköltözést. Magas gyerekszám, rossz, vagy leromló állapotú tanyai lakásba költözés jellemzi őket. Nem mérik fel a korábban megszokott települési életvitel és a külterületi,tanyai életmód közötti különbséget. Nem ismerik azokat a technikákat, amik szükségesek ahhoz, hogy valaki-főként kisgyerekkel-meg tudja teremteni a maga és a családja megélhetéséhez szükséges javakat, feltételeket. Mind a két társadalmi csoportra jellemző, hogy nem, vagy csak korlátozott mértékben tudják megfogalmazni, vagy érvényesíteni érdekeiket, ez tovább erősíti perifériára sodródásukat, miközben a második-szociális menekülő-csoport számaránya folyamatosan nő. A szerző gyakorlati szociális munkásként fogalmazza meg tapasztalatait, benyomásait és-a probléma kezeletlensége esetén egyre súlyosabbá váló-aggályait. Kulcsszavak: tanya (Magyar specifikum), "maradók", "szociális menekültek", szociális problémák, társadalom perifériája Abstract: "Stayers" and "social runaways"-the emergence and change of tanya (Hungarian specificity) life style, and tendencies at Kiskunhalas and the surroundings in the last two decades. The author presents the sociological phenomenon of one of the most important areas with numerous tanyas in Hungary. After a short historical overview, based on his twenty years of experiences and the data from MTA RKK ATI report investigation of the tanya areas in Hungary from 2005, he identifies the most important problems he will examine in his work. Based on a continuously refreshed fieldwork report dated in 2013 in the region of Kiskunhalas-Füzespuszta-Inoka by the author, he draw up the two sociological groups. These are the "stayers", who live for generations at the tanyas, and the newly identified "social runaways" group. They have common problems as living far away from the hard road, low availability of the public utilities, but they have their own challenges, too. The first group includes mostly the older generation, who were let alone by their family. They face many challenges including disadvantages arise from their age and loneliness, but at least they "learnt" how to handle those practical things and challenges, and sometimes the benefits, which can help them to live "far from the city". The second group of people includes those who have decided to move out from the city as a temporary solution for their crises' like indebtedness or unemployment. Their common characteristics are having many children, and finding bad or deteriorate tanyas as new home for the family. They usually forget to think about the huge differences between the lifestyle in a city or at the rural areas, like living at a tanya. They do not know those practices, which would be necessary for create the conditions of living at a tanya for their family (especially with small children) or for themselves only. Both groups have difficulties formulate or enforce their interests in public, which is just even strengthen their drift to the periphery of the society. The increasing number of the second gro...