A sustainable environment must guarantee a stable Climate change Primary energy supply, Air quality index, Outdoor air resource base, avoiding an overlap of renewable Pollution pollution, Indoor air pollution, Carbon dioxide emission resource systems and the exploitation of non-Ozone layer per capita, Expenditure on air pollution reduction renewable sources of funds only to the extent of Reduction carbon emissions the investments made in the search for resources Biodiversity Depletion of mineral resources and alternative energies. This implies a concern Fishery resources Deforestation rate, Threatened, extinct species for maintenance of biodiversity, atmospheric Marine water resources, Catches of marine species stability and other ecosystem functions that are Forest resources Arable land per capita, Area affected by soil erosion usually not directly classified as economic Land/soil Use of fertilizers, Use of agricultural pesticides resources. Land affected by desertification Water resources Access to safe drinking water, Area affected by salinization, Water use per GDP, Domestic consumption of water per capita, Waste water treatment, Industry, agriculture and municipal discharges, Others Social A sustainable social system is one that achieves Demography Population growth rate, Population density, Urban/rural fair distribution, the provision of basic social migration rate, Rate of growth of urban population services, including health and education, gender Poverty Life expectancy at birth, Statutory pension age population equality, governance transparency and citizen Health Population living in absolute poverty, Population below participation. Gender equality income poverty line, Persons at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion, Calorie supply per capita, Child labour Unimproved sanitation or poor hygiene Education Pupil-teacher ratio, Primary and secondary school Governance enrolment ratio, Literacy rates, Females per 100 males in secondary school, School dropout, Expected years of schooling, Research and development expenditure Life expectancy at birth, Mortality rates, Maternal mortality ratio, Health care quality, Adult health, Adolescent birth rate, HIV prevalence, Child malnutrition, Gender-related development index, Gender Inequality Index, Participation Labour Force Participation rate, Activity and employment by gender, Political participation, Freedom Human Development Index, Human Sustainable Development Index, Others Economic A sustainable economic system must be able to Growth Gross Domestic Product, Growth rate of real GDP, produce goods and services on a continuous basis, Internal market GNI per capita, Gini coefficient, GDP expenditure avoiding sectorial imbalances that may cause Equity components, Balance of payments irreparable damage to the natural resource base of economic production and guaranteeing adequate International market Foreign direct investment, Net inflows, External debt levels of growth and labour with economic and Public Finances Public Deficit, Public debt, Total public debt service ...