The energy dependence of the alignment parameter
for the Kr II 4p45p(E
1J1) states
following excitation in the Raman regime with the exciting-photon energy passing
through the Kr I 3dJ̄9npj̄
resonances was investigated theoretically and experimentally. Interference between
the resonance and direct photoionization channels explains the dependence of
A20 on the excitation
energy. Experimentally, A20
was determined after the analysis of 5p–5s
fluorescence decay of the 4p45p(E
states excited with monochromatized synchrotron radiation. The
band pass of the synchrotron radiation was set to 10 meV which is
smaller than the natural width of the 3d9np resonances (∼83 meV).
Additionally, a strong energy dependence was predicted for the orientation parameter
as well as for the angular distribution parameter of photoelectrons, βe,
for several 4p45p(E
1J1) ionic
The energy dependencies of alignment parameters A20 for KrII 4p(4)5p states after the Auger decay of the KrI 3d(9)np resonances were investigated theoretically and experimentally for the first time in the Raman regime with the bandwidth of the exciting radiation (deltaE(FWHM)=20 meV) smaller than the natural width of the resonances (Gamma approximately 80 meV). The observed energy dependence is due to the in-terference between the different resonance channels and the direct photoionization channel. A strong energy dependence for both the orientation parameter O10 and the photoelectron angular distribution parameter beta(el) is also predicted.