We study a self-adjoint realization of a massless Dirac operator on a bounded connected domain Ω ⊂ R 2 which is frequently used to model graphene. In particular, we show that this operator is the limit, as M → ∞, of a Dirac operator defined on the whole plane, with a mass term of size M supported outside Ω.Equation (1) gives rise to a whole family of different boundary conditions (see Equation (2) below). In this present work we focus on one of these self-adjoint realizations, denoted by H ∞ , which corresponds to the so-called infinite mass boundary conditions. In the physics literature, the operator H ∞ has gained renewed interest due to its application to model quantum dots in graphene [6,7,15,11,14,12,2].Let H M be the Dirac operator defined on R 2 with a mass M on R 2 \ Ω, and 0 inside Ω. In [4] it was shown that certain plane-wave solutions of the eigenvalue equation H M ψ = Eψ, in the limit M → ∞, satisfy the same boundary conditions as the eigenfunctions of H ∞ . The main result of this work, Theorem 1, is the convergence, in the sense of spectral projections, of H M towards H ∞ .1.1. Definitions and main result. Let us introduce some notation used throughout this article. We denote by Ω ⊂ R 2 a bounded connected domain with boundary ∂Ω ∈ C 3 of length L > 0. We parametrize ∂Ω by the curve γ : [0, L] → ∂Ω in its arc-length, i.e., |γ ′ (s)| = 1. For a given self-adjoint operator H, we denote by σ(H) its spectrum, and by E I (H) its spectral projection on the set I ⊂ R. We use the symbols ·, · and (·, ·) to denote the scalar products in L 2 and C 2 , respectively.