A . -D Schluter. A h . M c i t w 1991. 3. 282 291.[2] S. Kivelsoii, 0 . L Chapman. P h n . Kcv. B 1983. 18, 72.36 7243. [3] L. Yu. M. Chen. I.. R. Dalton. C'/irm. M a r c r . 1990, 2. 649-659. [4] J. . I Bredas. R. Silbcy. Coiiliqrirrd Pol~nii~rs, Tlic ,Vow/ S(,ioicr cmri l i~h n o l o g i~ of Hi,ahli Condiir /in,? and .Vonlinrar Opric cdls A < r i v e lWor~~riul,s. Kluwcr. Dordrccht. 1991 151 M. Schwoercr. P / I~ Bl. 1994. 5 0 . 52-58. [h] First example A -D. Schluter. M. Ldller. V. Eiikclmanii, ,Vrirnrc, 1994. 36K. 831 -834. [7] H. Schirnier. A.-D. Schluter. V. Eiikelinann, C/lein. Brr. 1993. 126. 343-2546, [8] M. Liiffler. A.-D. Schliiter. SI-ii/c,ri 1994. 75-78. [9] See Tor example M. Ballauff. A n p m . Clwni. 1989. 101. 261 -276. Anjicu . Cllmi.[lo] Single cr\,stals of' 7 were wown from toluene. 6565 uniuue reflcctions were 1/11, E d /+,a/. 1989, 28-253-267.
L -collected on a n Enraf-Nonius Turbo-CAD4 difTractonieter with Ni-filtered Cu,, radiation from ii rotating-anode generator. (/. = 1.542, " 1 ' 2 0 scan mode. Y,,,,, = I20 . nominal resolution ;.;2 sin Om, , = 0.89 A. Y scan absorption corredion. T = 260 K ) . The data &ere corrected for radiation damagc (12% reduction in intensity of three relerence reflections) Space group triclinic. P I . Z = 2 with two toluene per formula unit i n the asymmetric unit. N = 12.390(4). h = 16.164(6). = lX.96(2) A, 2 = 87 67(5). p = 83.30(5). ;' = 68.66(3) , V = 3514(4) A'. The structure was determined by direct methods using program SIR92 and refined with SHELX76 and SHELX93 on the basis of 3643 rellections with \(,I t 3o-(lfJ). H atoms bonded to the aroin:itic <-atoms were placed in their calculated positions. TWJ atoms in one of the aliphatic cliains.C45 and C49 are tnofold disordered with 0.5 occupancy. The cocrystallired toluene inolecules are fully ordered. The relatively high crystallographic R mciated with radiation damagc ofthe crystal. with only 5 5 % of the data above .3z (l~,l). and with the atom disorder. The extended aromatic system is x~irtn~111~ planar: with iio atom deviatiiig more than 0.105 A from the weighted least-squues plane [I I ] Further details of the crystal btructure investigation may be obtained from the ~achinforiiiationczentruin Karlsruhe. D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen on quoting the depository number CSD-5X461.