Among the various biotic stresses, dry root rot caused by Rhizoctonia bataticola is becoming severe in most chickpea growing regions of India where the crop is grown under rain fed conditions causing 30-40 per cent yield loss. In this context, 520 chickpea genotypes were screened in the laboratory condition using Blotter Paper Technique to study the reaction of the genotypes to the Rhizoctonia bataticola and to identify resistance source for the disease. Among 520 genotypes, three were resistant viz., PG 06102, BG 2094 and IC 552137; 21 were moderate resistant viz., IC 15167, IC 2867, JAKI 9218, ICC 9023, ICC-14346, IC-269768, PG 01103, Pule 9801, KGD 120, NbeG 28, WR 315, IC-269488, IC 552198, IC 552178, IC 552132, IC 552320, IC 552214, IC 552232, CLH 29, IC 552102, IC 552224; 76 were moderate susceptible, 337 were susceptible and the rest eighty three were highly susceptible for dry root rot. The identified resistant genotypes may serve as potential donors in chickpea resistance breeding programme for dry root rot.