SHERPA is a general-purpose Monte Carlo event generator for the simulation of particle collisions in high-energy collider experiments. We summarise essential features and improvements of the SHERPA 2.2 release series, which is heavily used for event generation in the analysis and interpretation of LHC Run 1 and Run 2 data. We highlight a decade of developments towards ever higher precision in the simulation of particle-collision events. Figure 1: Overview of the SHERPA 2.2 event generator framework.
Interfaces/OutputsAMEGIC [6] and COMIX [7,8]. They are used for the simulation of parton-level events within the Standard Model and beyond, and for the decay of heavy resonances such as W , Z, or Higgs bosons or top quarks. Both include automated methods for efficient phase-space integration and algorithms for the subtraction of infrared divergences in calculations at next-to-leading order (NLO) in QCD [9, 10, 11] and the electroweak theory [12]. For the evaluation of virtual corrections at NLO accuracy SHERPA relies on interfaces to dedicated one-loop providers, e.g. BLACKHAT [13], OPENLOOPS [14] and RECOLA [15,16]. The default parton-showering algorithm of the SHERPA 2.2 series is the CSSHOWER [17], based on Catani-Seymour dipole factorisation [9,10,18]. As of version 2.2.0 SHERPA also features an independent second shower implementation, DIRE [19,20,21]. For the matching of NLO QCD matrix elements with parton showers SHERPA implements the MC@NLO method [22,23]. For NNLO QCD calculations the UN 2 LOPS method [24, 25] is used. The merging of multi-jet production processes at leading order [26,27,28] and next-to-leading order [29,30] is based on truncated parton showers. Multiple parton interactions are implemented via the Sjöstrand-van-Zijl model [31]. The hadronisation of partons into hadrons is modelled by a cluster fragmentation model [32]. Alternatively, in particular for uncertainty estimations, an interface to the Lund fragmentation model [33] of PYTHIA [34] is available. SHERPA provides a large library for the simulation of τ -lepton and hadron decays, including many form-factor models. Furthermore, a module for the simulation of QED final-state radiation in particle decays [35], which is accurate to first order in α for many channels is built-in. To account for spin correlations in production and subsequent decay processes the algorithm described in [36] is implemented. Events generated with SHERPA can be cast into various output formats for further processing, with the HEPMC [37] format being the most commonly used. In the specific case of parton-level events, at the leading and next-to-leading order in QCD, additional output formats are supported. They include Les Houches Event Files [38], NTUPLE files for NLO QCD events [39] and cross-section interpolation grids produced via MCGRID [40,41] in the APPLGRID [42] and FASTNLO [43,44] formats. To analyse events on-the-fly a runtime interface to the RIVET package [45] can be used conveniently.