Tarsem Cooner, Glynis Murphy), to the postgraduate researchers who contributed to other aspects of the project (Primrose Nyamayaro, and Dean Thompson), to the organisations (notably Midland Mencap, Dudley Advocacy, Apna, Keyring, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Bournville College, Options for Life, Voices for Choices, and Multicare-Asha) who supported it, and of course, to all of the people who participated in our data collection and partnership events. Author contributions: 2 ML, BKS and JR conceived the study, in response to a focused funding call. GU and ML further developed the design, sampling strategy, data collection materials and ethics application, in consultation with the project steering group, which included experts-by-experience. GU and KM conducted the interviews, with supervisory support from ML, BKS and JR. ML and GU conducted preliminary analysis, and MI developed a template which extended this to the remainder of the sample. These findings were discussed at a large stakeholder reference event run by GU and ML, and co-facilitated by JR, BKS, KM, MI, and IT. SZ and IT conducted the focused secondary analyses presented here, with supervision from ML and GU. KM also conducted a focused analysis at sub-sample level, supervised by JR and ML, and reported elsewhere. ML wrote this paper, drawing on materials developed by the authorship team.