The present study estimates the long-term and short-term health impacts of particulate matter on humans in Alwar, Rajasthan (India), with the help of AirQ+ software. The annual concentration of particulate matter violates the Indian and WHO standards. The PM2.5 induced long-term estimated number of attributable cases (ENACs) for mortality due to all-natural causes in adults, LC, ALRI, COPD, IHD, and stroke were 12867, 2225, 634, 1089, 4671, and 4353, respectively, while short-term ENACs for hospital admission due to respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality in adults were 4399, 174, and 2333, respectively. The PM10 induced long-term ENACs for post-neonatal infant mortality, chronic bronchitis in adults, and the prevalence of bronchitis in children were 878494, 32698, and 700, respectively, while short-term ENACs for incidence of asthma symptoms in asthmatic children were 1799. The estimated human health risk assessment results are terrifying and require immediate actions from policymakers for mitigation.