The ability of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 to parasitize tomato and Arabidopsis thaliana depends on genes activated by the HrpL alternative sigma factor. To support various functional genomic analyses of DC3000, and specifically, to identify genes involved in pathogenesis, we developed a draft sequence of DC3000 and used an iterative process involving computational and gene expression techniques to identify virulence-implicated genes downstream of HrpLresponsive promoters. Hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) promoters are known to control genes encoding the Hrp (type III protein secretion) machinery and a few type III effector proteins in DC3000. This process involved (i) identification of 9 new virulenceimplicated genes in the Hrp regulon by miniTn5gus mutagenesis, (ii) development of a hidden Markov model (HMM) trained with known and transposon-identified Hrp promoter sequences, (iii) HMM identification of promoters upstream of 12 additional virulence-implicated genes, and (iv) microarray and RNA blot analyses of the HrpLdependent expression of a representative subset of these DC3000 genes. We found that the Hrp regulon encodes candidates for 4 additional type III secretion machinery accessory factors, homologs of the effector proteins HopPsyA, AvrPpiB1 (2 copies), AvrPpiC2, AvrPphD (2 copies), AvrPphE, AvrPphF, and AvrXv3, and genes associated with the production or metabolism of virulence factors unrelated to the Hrp type III secretion system, including syringomycin synthetase (SyrE), N -(indole-3-acetyl)-L-lysine synthetase (IaaL), and a subsidiary regulon controlling coronatine production. Additional candidate effector genes, hopPtoA2, hopPtoB2, and an avrRps4 homolog, were preceded by Hrp promoter-like sequences, but these had HMM expectation values of relatively low significance and were not detectably activated by HrpL. P seudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 has emerged as an important model organism in molecular plant pathology because of its genetic tractability, its pathogenicity on both tomato and Arabidopsis thaliana, and its ability to deliver virulence effector proteins into host cells via a type III protein secretion system. To support worldwide functional genomic investigations of P. s. tomato DC3000, we are determining the complete sequence of the DC3000 genome. A draft sequence is now available (http:͞͞͞tdb͞mdb͞ mdbinprogress.html), and we have initiated a genomewide investigation of potential virulence factors with a search for virulencerelated genes in the same regulon as the type III secretion system.Virulence effector proteins delivered to or into host cells by type III secretion systems are key factors in the pathogenicity of many bacteria, including animal pathogens in the genera Salmonella, Yersinia, Shigella, and Escherichia, and plant pathogens in the genera Pseudomonas, Erwinia, Xanthomonas, Ralstonia, and Pantoea (1). In plant pathogens, the type III secretion machinery is referred to as the hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) system ...