Dark anaerobic fermentation in the green algae Chiamydomonas MGA 161, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, and Chlorococcum minutum was studied. Our isolate, Chiamydomonas MGA 161, was unusual in having high H2 but almost no formate. The fermentation pattern in Chlamydomonas MGA 161 was altered by changes in the NaCI or NHI-CI concentration. Glycerol formation increased at low (0.1%) and high (7%) NaCI concentrations; starch degradation, and formation of ethanol, H2, and CO2 increased with the addition of NH4CI to above 5 millimolar in N-deficient cells. C. reinhardtii and C. pyrenoidosa exhibited a very similar anaerobic metabolism, forming formate, acetate and ethanol in a ratio of about 2:2:1. C. minutum was also unusual in forming acetate, glycerol, and CO2 as its main products, with H2, formate, and ethanol being formed in negligible amounts. In the presence of CO, ethanol formation increased twofold in Chiamydomonas MGA 161 and C. reinhardtii, but the fermentation pattern in C. minutum did not change. An experiment with hypophosphite addition showed that dark H2 evolution of the Escherichia coli type could be ruled out in Chiamydomonas MGA 161 and C. reinhardtii. Among the green algae investigated, three fermentation types were identified by the distribution pattern of the end products, which reflected the consumption mode of reducing equivalents in the cells.Green algae produce hydrogen under dark anaerobic conditions, as first observed by Gaffron and Rubin (8). The whole process of dark H2 evolution is mediated through the fermentative degradation of accumulated starch. Use of this property in a stable biophotolysis system makes possible temporal separation of H2 production from photosynthetic 02 production. Lightdependent H2 production without an O2 defense system soon comes to a stop because of inhibition by the O2 produced (10, 28). Studies with a freshwater alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, showed an intermittent but stable 02/H2 production system in an alternating light/dark cycle (24,25). A halotolerant green alga, Chlamydomonas MGA 161, has been isolated, and both growth and dark H2 evolution in this alga are active (26 ucts of green algae (9,17,19). Klein and Betz (16) reported on the fermentation metabolism with no formate formation in Chlamydomonas moewusii. Gfeller and Gibbs (9) and Kreuzberg (19) reported that formate, acetate, and ethanol are produced in a ratio of 2:1:1 in the dark incubation of C. reinhardtii. The fermentation process is regulated by ATP and reducing equivalents generated during starch degradation. The ATP concentration within Chlorella cells increases slightly with active hydrogenase under dark anaerobic conditions, accompanied by an increase in NADH and a decrease in NADPH (22). Reducing equivalents are consumed by the formation of fermentation products for a constant metabolic flux; the reducing power is used for the formation of H2 (from H+), formate (from C02), glycerol (from acetonephosphate) or ethanol (from acetyl-CoA) (17).In this paper, we rep...