The hot water extractives of the fresh smooth green bark and the fresh leaves of a Populus deltoides Bartr. tree cut in June and processed by the Waring Blendor technique in ethanol were extracted fractionally with ethyl acetate, and the individual ethyl acetate extracts were fractionated by elution chromatography with water, 20% ethanol, and 50% ethanol on polyamide columns. Important components found in the bark were salicortin, salicin, salicyl alcohol, pyrocatechol, o-salicyloylsalicin, grandidentatin, grandidentoside, populoside, trichocarposide, and 6-methyldihydroquercetin. Important components found in the leaves were salicortin, salicin, salicyl alcohol, pyrocatechol, 1-0-p-coumaroyl-p-D-glucoside, populoside, o-salicyloylsalicin, chrysin-7-glucoside, and a new glucoside, deltoidin, which has been identified as 2-0-salicyloylsalicin.
IntroductionIn our continuing investigations on the components of the barks and leaves of Populus species, fresh smooth green bark and leaves of a P. deltoides Bartr. tree cut in Outagamie County, Wisconsin in June were extracted immediately with ethanol by the Waring Blendor technique (1). The hot water-soluble portions of the ethanol extractives were extracted fractionally with ethyl acetate, and the ethyl acetate-soluble fractions were chromatographed on columns of polyamide and eluted with water followed by 20% ethanol and 50% ethanol as employed in recent studies on the barks of other species (1,2). As in previous studies, all eluate fractions were monitored by means of t.l.c., concentrated to small volumes, allowed to stand, filtered if crystals separated, and finally freeze dried. Weights of all fractions and of separated crystals were noted, and elution curves were obtained.