The number of Boer crossbred meat goats has been increasing rapidly, although how their growth and slaughter traits compare with those of Spanish goats and influences of maternal genotype have not been thoroughly evaluated. This information would be useful to achieve optimal meat goat production systems and yield of goat products desired by consumers. Therefore, postweaning growth (9 to 24 wk of age) and slaughter traits (212 +/- 5.0 d of age) of Boer x Spanish, Spanish, and Boer x Angora wethers (n = 16, 18, and 18 for growth measures, respectively, and n = 6 per genotype for slaughter traits) consuming a concentrate-based diet were compared. Over the 16-wk performance period, ADG, DMI, and ADG:DMI were greater (P < 0.05) for Boer crossbreds than for Spanish goats (ADG: 154, 117, and 161 g; DMI: 646, 522, and 683 g/d; ADG:DMI: 263, 235, and 261 g/kg for Boer x Spanish, Spanish, and Boer x Angora, respectively). Dressing percentage (46.3, 47.3, and 47.0% of BW; SE = 1.21) and quality grade score (11.17, 9.67, and 11.17 for Boer x Spanish, Spanish, and Boer x Angora, respectively; SE = 0.66 [12 = Choice+; 11 = Choice; 10 = Choice-; 9 = Good+]) were similar among genotypes. Weights of some noncarcass components were greater for Boer crossbreds than for Spanish goats, but relative to empty BW, noncarcass component weights were similar among genotypes. Concentrations of moisture, ash, fat, and protein in carcass and noncarcass components did not differ among genotypes. Contributions to the carcass of different primal cuts were similar among genotypes, and there were few differences in concentrations of separated lean, bone, and fat in primal cuts. In conclusion, when consuming a concentrate-based diet, early postweaning growth rate was similar between Boer x Spanish and Boer x Angora wethers and greater for Boer crossbreds than for Spanish wethers. Slaughter traits were primarily related to differences in final BW.