Analysis of 136 persons with psychopathology, suicidal ideation, and violence included: (a) 79 adults [12 homicidal, 13 overdosing-substance-abusers, 15 sex-offending, 15 suicide-completers, 24 controls (23 women, 56 men) Mage=38.29]; and (b) 57 teens [11 homicidal, 7 overdosing-substance-abusers, 10 sex-offending, 17 suicide-completers, 12 controls (15 girls, 42 boys) Mage= 15.37] given (Standard Predictor of Violence Potential (SP), Quick Test (QT), Beck Scale (BSS), MMPI-2/A, Raven Matrices). Significant (p < .05) ANOVA Fs were: (a) adults (SP, BSS, MMPI-2 [VRIN, F, FB, FP, L, K, S, Hs (1), D (2), Pd (4), Mf (5), Pa(6), Pt(7), Sc (8), Ma (9), Si (10), MAC-R, APS, AAS], Raven; and (b) teens (SP, BSS, MMPI-A [F1, F, L, K, D (2), Pa (6), Sc (8)], QT. At-risk, adults, and teens had the same “7-point violence profile” (SP -, “F/L-2-4-6-8-AAS(ACK)”) [insignificant differences (p < .05) ANOVA-Fs: SP, BSS, MMPI-2/A: F, L, K, D (2), Pd (4), Pa (6), Sc (8)].