Bacillus siamensis KCTC 13613T , a novel halophilic Bacillus species isolated from a salted Thai food, produced antimicrobial compounds against plant pathogens and promoted plant growth by volatile emission. We determined the 3.8-Mb genome sequence of B. siamensis KCTC 13613T to reveal the plant-beneficial effect at the genomic level.T he genus Bacillus includes ubiquitous Gram-positive endospore-forming bacteria that have a great impact on the environment, agriculture, biotechnology, and human health. Many Bacillus species have been used for their industrial enzymes (9) in the pharmaceutical (10) and food production (4, 7) industries. Another major application of Bacillus species is for enhancing growth of crop species (3,5). Here, during a systematic approach to screen Bacillus species that produce novel antibiotic compounds, we found that Bacillus siamensis KCTC 13613 T significantly inhibited mycelial growth of the plant-pathogenic fungi Rhizoctonia solani and Botrytis cinerea (data not shown). The KCTC 13613T strain also exhibited strong antibacterial activity against a Gram-positive bacterium, Micrococcus luteus. B. siamensis is a novel halophilic species that was isolated from a type of salted crab product (poo-khem) eaten in Thailand (11). Strain KCTC 13613T significantly increased seedling growth of Arabidopsis thaliana without physical contact in the I Plate, indicating that bacterial volatiles promoted plant growth (data not shown). These observations led us to decipher its genome sequence to investigate the genomic basis for the plant growth-promoting effect and biocontrol potential.The genome sequence of B. siamensis KCTC 13613 T was determined using a whole-genome shotgun strategy and an Illumina HiSeq 2000 instrument. Paired-end reads of 4.96 Gb (average read length of 96.1 bp) were produced from a 490-bp genomic library. Quality trimming and de novo assembly (word size, 64) were performed using CLC Genomics Workbench, version 4.8. The assembly contained 3,779,696 bp in 51 large contigs over 200 bp (N 50 , 589,476 bp) with 46.3% GϩC content. Maximum and average contig sizes were 965,626 bp and 74,112 bp, respectively. When Velvet, version 1.2.01, was used with various k-mers (55 to 75) (12), 38 scaffolds totaling 3,784,323 bp (N 50 , maximum scaffold size of 1,991,923 bp) were obtained. Not only were the two assembly results consistent with each other by direct comparison using MUMmer (6), but they were also the largest aligned blocks between two 100% identical results (593,857 bp), suggesting that the assembled sequences were accurate regardless of the assembly software. Automatic gene prediction and functional annotation of CLC assemblies were carried out using the RAST server (2). Among the 3,892 putative protein-coding genes, 47% were assigned to 446 subsystem categories. Average nucleotide identity analysis using completely sequenced Bacillus species showed that B. amyloliquefaciens was closely related to B. siamensis (Ͼ94% identity) (8). A polyketide synthase (PKS)/nonribosomal peptide sy...