<P>The anatomic response to intravitreal bevacizumab
injection in three patients with aggressive, posterior retinopathy of prematurity is described. In all cases, the worse eye was treated with a single intravitreal
injection of 0.75 mg of bevacizumab as monotherapy
or complementary to laser therapy. In 24 hours, all injected eyes showed regression of the tunica vasculosa lentis and iris vessel engorgement and disappearance of iris rigidity. In addition, plus disease and retinal proliferation
began to regress. None of the eyes required additional treatment. Follow-up of up to 10 months showed good anatomic outcomes and no evidence of local or systemic adverse events. [<CITE>Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging</CITE> 2007;38:233-237.]</P>
<P>From the Pediatric Retina Department (ST, FEE, IP, GP), Ophthalmology Service, Hospital Fernando Fonseca, Lisbon; the Surgical Center of Coimbra (AT, IR, AST, RV), Coimbra; the Ophthalmology Department (PF), Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa, Zona Central, Hospital de S. José, Lisbon; Alfredo da Costa Maternity (AV), Lisbon; and the High Commissary for Portuguese Health (MCM), Lisbon, Portugal.</P>
<P>Accepted for publication February 26, 2007.</P>
<P>Presented at the World ROP Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 14-16, 2006. Abstract number 015.</P>
<P>The authors thank Drs. Stephan Michels and Rike Michels for their support.</P>
<p>Address correspondence to Susana Teixeira, MD, Pediatric Retina Department at the Service of Ophthalmology, Hospital Fernando Fonseca, R. João de Freitas Branco nº 21, 6º D, 1500-714 Lisboa, Portugal. E-mail: <a href="mailto:susanateixeira.oft@gmail.com">susanateixeira.oft@gmail.com</a>.</p>