Introduction. Systematic study and implementation of the positive experience of the European political and legal consciousness of civil society, identification of effective technologies for the formation of its values is the most important task in the implementation of legal changes in Ukraine.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the historical and theoretical understanding of civil society in European and domestic legal consciousness, to reveal the features of building the structure of civil society, its functions aimed at achieving high standards of quality of life and democratic rights and freedoms in society.
Result. The idea of civil society, its essence and relationship with the state in the history of foreign, domestic political and legal thought is a long way. Based on the analysis of scholars' views, it can be argued that the concept is multidimensional, and some authors consider its essence in different directions, so the author proposes to clarify and supplement the structure of civil society organizational, communication, spiritual, cultural and informational components that correspond to certain areas of life.
Conclusions. Having considered the history of the development of approaches to civil society, the author developed the essence of the definition of “civil society”, namely: it is an institution of independent public relations, operating on a democratic basis, in the process of preparation, decision-making and monitoring economic, social, cultural, spiritual, legal and political relations. The structural elements of civil society have been improved, which, in contrast to the existing ones, additionally include organizational, communication, spiritual, cultural and information components. It was found that the value and significance of civil society should be based on the interaction of different functions and take into account human rights, information, ideological and educational functions.