AIM OF STUDY To develop a method for assessing the severity of obstructive jaundice (OJ) of non-neoplastic orogin on the basis of functional parameters of the liver and the activity of pathogenetic agents of hepatodepression.MATERIAL AND METHODS Clinical and laboratory studies of 142 patients with breast cancer of non-tumor origin. The indicators of the functional state of the liver, the index of plasma toxicity for albumin, and the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were evaluated.RESUlTS Based on the assessment of a number of blood parameters - the content of total bilirubin (TB), the plasma toxicity index for albumin, the MDA level — the severity index of obstructive jaundice of non-neoplastic origin (SIOJ) was developed:SIOJ = IT1/ITn + TB1/TB + 5(MDA1/MDAn)where IT 1 is the plasma albumin toxicity index at the current moment, ITn is the normal albumin plasma toxicity index, TB1 is the current bilirubin content, TBn is the normal bilirubin content, MDA1 is the current malondialdehyde content, MDAn is the normal value. The index less than 13 indicates a mild severity, 14–21 is moderate severity, 22 and higher indicates a severe degree of OJ. The method increases the objectivity of determining the severity of non-neoplastic origin by establishing the severity of liver damage and the processes underlying it.CONClUSiON The suggested clinical and laboratory index allows the severity of obstructive jaundice to be objectively and quickly determined upon admission of a patient to the hospital and also adequate therapy to be initiated in case of severe degree for anticipation of possible post-operative complications, so the treatment should be focused on managing triggers of hepatodepression. The method is simple and available in medical institutions of various levels. The method is especially valuable when used in the dynamics of the early postoperative period.
Медицинский институт ФГБОУ ВПО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарева», г. Саранск 2 Медицинский институт ФГБОУ ВПО «Пензенский государственный университет», г. Пенза Важнейшими триггерными механизмами мембранодеструктивных явлений при остром панкреатите являются активизация перекисного окисления мембранных липидов, циркуляторная и тканевая гипоксия. Применение антиоксидантной терапии при остром экспериментальном панкреатите снижает интенсивность перекисного окисления липидов (уровень диеновых конъюгатов статистически значимо снижается на 30,4-32,5%) и восстанавливает тканевое дыхание (окислительно-восстановительный потенциал выше контроля на 10-15%). На микроциркуляцию такого рода терапия оказывает меньшее влияние.