Aster tenuipes Makino sp. nov. Stem slender, terete, hard, obscurely striated, pubescent, leafy, pro ducing many peduncles above so as to imitate a loose and oblong panicle. Leaves sparse, loosely approximate, spreading but sometimes slightly reflexed, linear-oblanceolate, subsessile, gradually attenuated towards both ends, acute at the apex, remotely and scantly serrate above with acute teeth, nearly entire in the superior ones, ciliated along the margins and pubescent on the midrib on both surfaces, 3 1/2-51/3 cm long, 4-8mmn broad, rather thin, sub triplinerved ; midrib slender, slightly elevated, distinct, and two lateral nerves weak, flexuous, fine ; veins oblique, flue, very loose ; veinlets very fine and dense, but invisible superficially.One of the peduncles terminal and others lateral, the latter issuing from the leaf-axlls in the upper portion of the stem, about 1 1/2-6 1/2cm long, slender, strict, spreading, pubescent, bracteate thl oughout, often branching into a few short pedicels above ; bracts small, rather densely growing, sparse, linear, sessile, narrowed towards the base, acute at the apex, thinly ciliate and subpubescent along the midrib, inferior ones larger and about 2cm long, superior ones gradually reduced in size and at last passing into the involucral-bracts.Involucre cam panulato-cyathiform, obtuse . at the base, 4-5mm in diameter ; involucral bracts small, imbricated in few-series, unequal, smaller and shorter in the outer ones, spathulate-oblong, largest ones about 5 mm long, 1 2/3mm broad,