2090 74 26 4 610 43 57of 2H2:1C0. Using an oil yield of 3 barrels per ton of coal, the synthesis gas (0.75H2:1CO) consumption is calculated to be 4000 scf per barrel of oil. In comparison, based on the similar data for the hydrogen run at 450 °C and 15 min (Table V), the hydrogen consumption would be 4700 scf per barrel of oil when the feed gas is hydrogen. It should be noted, however, that the consumption of synthesis gas depends a great deal on the H2/CO ratio, the amount of water, residence time, temperature, and other variables affecting the water-gas shift reaction. Thus, depending on the use of off-gas, one can optimize the consumption of hydrogen and carbon monoxide accordingly.The use of synthesis gas as the feed gas may be applied to Synthoil, -Coal, Consol, and other catalytic hydrogenation processes. The advantages are obvious: (1) the high cost of hydrogen production is saved, and the thermal efficiency increased;(2) the synthesis gas usage can be optimized, and the supply can be obtained at less cost than hydrogen from the gasification of the char produced in the process; and (3) the off-gas, after scrubbing out carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, is a low-Btu gas. With the H2/CO ratio of about 3, it is suitable for use in methane production or methanol synthesis. If one recycles the gas, only a small bleed stream is necessary to keep CH4 level down. The bleed gas could be burned for process heat.
ConclusionsHigh sulfur bituminous coal can be liquefied and desulfurized by hydrotreating with synthesis gas at 3000 psi and 425-450 °C in the presence of cobalt molybdate-sodium carbonate catalyst, steam, and recycle oil. The sulfur content and the viscosity of the oil product both decrease with the amount of hydrogen consumed whether synthesis gas or hydrogen is used as the reactant gas, but less total hydrogen is required for the same oil product quality when synthesis gas is used. The synthesis gas consumption can be conveniently optimized, the cost of hydrogen production is saved, and the off-gas can be optionally burned as a low-Btu gas or utilized for methane production or methanol synthesis.Literature Cited