Licorice extract is an herbal drug which has long been used as a demulcent and elixir in Chinese medicine. One of the main active components of licorice extract is glycyrrhizin (GL), a kind of saponin. The biological effects of GL and its aglycone, glycyrrhetinic acid (GA), have been extensively studied. Their anti-inflammatory (5), anti-ulcerous (3), and antiviral (14) effects have been reported from 1948 (15) to 1979 (14). Moreover, a preparation of GL combined with glycine and cysteine (SNMC), has been widely and successfully used in Japan as an antihepatitis drug (6, II, 19), although its mechanism of pharmacological action remains unclear.Recently, interferon (IFN) with or without adenine arabinoside (Ara-A) has been used to treat hepatitis B patients (4, 7). Studies show that IFN consistently decreases the level of either DNA polymerase or hepatitis B surface antigen in hepatitis patients. There are also many reports which suggest that some irnmunopotentiators induce IFN (13) and explain their antiviral activity in vivo as interferon mediated (8,16,18). Therefore, in the light of GL's clinical effect on hepatitis patients and of the fact that its structure resembles that of hydrocortisone, the possibility that GL induces IFN was proposed. In this study we investigated the ability of both GL and GA to induce IFN in mice.Six-to 8-week-old male DDI mice obtained from the Institute for Experimental Animals, Tohoku University School of Medicine, were used in this experiment. Six-week-old male C3H, ddY, CDF-l, C57BL, BALB/c, and athymic nude mice (nujnu) of BALB/c background were obtained from the Funabashi Farm Co., Ltd., and were used to study the effect of the different mouse strains on interferon induction.GL and GA were supplied by Minophagen Pharmaceutical Co. Drugs were dissolved in 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and adjusted to pH 7.2 with I N sodium hydroxide.Pooled sera obtained from three mice were tested for anti-viral activity, which was determined by the 50% plaque reduction method on L-929 monolayer cell cultures with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and was expressed in international reference units based on NIH reference mouse IFN (Catalog No. 002-904-511) (12).