Of the 650 marine species assayed during the 1978 Alpha Helix Caribbean Expedition (AHCE 1978)3 the colonial tunicate Eudistoma olivaceum4 was the most active against Herpes simplex virus, type 1 (HSV-1). In the present report we assign structures 1, 2, 5, and 6 (Table I), containing the previously unreported condensed oxathiazepine ring system, to eudistomins C, E, K, and L, respectively, which include the most active antiviral components of E. olivaceum. In the following communication5 *we assign the structures of eudistomins A, D, G, , I, J, , N, O, P, and Q, additional bioactive components isolated from E. olivaceum.The methanol-toluene (3:1) extract3 of E. olivaceum (IRCE l-VII-81-3-1, IFE 21-V-82-1-3) was partitioned with toluene and water. The toluene phase yielded eudistomins G, H, and I (see following communication),5 while extraction of the aqueous phase with chloroform yielded an oil, which was subjected to C18 reversed-phase medium-pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC) with methanol-water (7:3) then to silica gel MPLC