The complexes [Fe(tdci),]CI, and [Al(tdci),]Cl, (tdci = 1,3,5-trideoxy-1,3,5-tris(dimethylarnino)-cis-inositol) were prepared and characterized by mass spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy, and magnetic-susceptibility measurements. The formation constants were determined in aqueous solution (25", 0 . 1~ KCI) by potentiometric titration.pK values of H3(tdci),+: 5.89, 7.62, 9.68; Fe"' complexes: log /IML = 18.8, log /IMLz = 32.6; Al"' complexes: log /JML = 14.3, log /IML2 = 26.4. The protonated complex [FeH(tdci),I4+ has also been identified. In contrast to the high stability of the Fe"' and Al"' complexes, only weak interactions of tdci with Cu" have been observed in aqueous solution (25", 0 . 1~ KNO,).Introduction. -The high affinity of 1,3,5-trideoxy-1,3,5-tris(dimethylamino)-cis-inositol (tdci) for Fe"' has already been recognized in 1984 [I]. In a subsequent study, a variety of metal complexes has been characterized in aqueous solution [2]. However, several hazards prevented the preparation of tdci in the scale required for an unambiguous identification of the metal complexes and a quantitative investigation of the equilibria in solution. Our first attempt was, therefore, to improve the preparation procedure of tdci [3] [4]. Since this ligand is now readily available, a comprehensive investigation of complex formation has been performed in our laboratory. We report here the synthesis and characterization of the solid, crystalline Fe"' and Al"' complexes and the potentiometric determination of the stability constants for Fe"', Al"', and Cu" in aqueous solution.