JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. All use subject to JSTOR Terms and ConditionsThe significance of a microlithic assemblage composed of imported, nonlocal materials is discussedfor the Three Dog site, an early Lucayan site located on San Salvador, Bahamas. The Bahama archipelago is an interesting area in which to examine the organization of technology because the islands lack cherts and other suitable materials for chipped stone manufacture, suggesting that economizing strategies may have been pructiced. The artifacts were manufactured by bipolar production and a few show evidence of recycling and reuse. Microwear analysis, undertaken to determine function, was inconclusive due to heavy weathering from the depositional environment. Traces of an organic adhesive suggest that some of the objects were used as hafted or composite tools. The presence of starch grains, most likely Xanthosoma sp., and other plant residues on some artifacts suggests they were used in plant processing. The morphological similarities of the flakes produced through bipolar reduction with those from ethnographic sources suggest that most of them probably were used as grater chips to process root or tuber foods. The assemblage was compared to other bipolarly-produced microlithic assemblages from nearby islands.Este artlcu lo tra ta de la importan cia de la presen cia de un conjun to microlftico compuesto de materiales importados en el sitio Three Dog, un sitio Lucayo temprano localizado en Sa)l Salvador, Bahamas. Las Bahamas es un area interesante para el estudio de la organizacion de la tecnologia ya que las islas carecen de silex u otros materiales apropriados para la manufactura de piedra tallada. Numerosas evidencias de medidas de economiXar inducidas por la escasez del material, tales como la te'cnica bipolar y el reuso y reciclaje de los artefactos, estan presente en el conjunto. Se llevo a cabo un analisis de microdesgastes para determinar el uso de los artefactos. El marcado deterioro de los artefactos liticos producidos por las pobres condiciones de deposicion hace dific il la iden tificacion de los patron es de lustre . Las semejanzas morfolog icas en tre las lascas produ cidas por la redu ccion bipolar y las descritas en las fuentes etnograficas sugieren que muchas de ellas fueron usadas como microlascas de ralladores de tuberculos. Tanto la funcion y el uso anticipado como la falta de buenas fuentes de If tica son consideraciones importantes en la determinacion de la forma y la tecnologia de artefactos.The production, manufacture, maintenance, and use of tools are determined by factors such as mobility, anticipated fimction, projected needs, knowledge of the lithic landscape, nature of raw materials, distance and ease of transporta...