Hesperiidae -3945 Erynnis icelus Pack. Mature larva collected in rolled leaves of Salix bebbiana, July 20 (77-89). Larva overwintered. Larva light green, with brown head. Papilionidae -f-4176 Papilio glaucus L. Mature larva collected on Prunus virginiana, August 22 (77-81). Second instar larva collected on Alnus incana, July 2. Larva rests on mat of silk in single, partially folded leaf (77-82). Larva green, with yellow, black, and blue eyespot and yellow and black collar.Nymphalidae + -4420 Polygonia interrogationis (F.). Two mature larvae found on Urtica dioica (80-141a & b). Adult emerged from one resulting pupa, August 22. Larva red¬ dish brown, first and last segments with black, branched setae. + -4421 Polygonia comma (Harr.). Fourth instar larva collected on Ulmus americana, June 6 (80-81); mature larva obtained by June 13, adult emerged June 28. Larva black, with white lateral line and setae.-4433 Aglais milberti (Godt.). Mature larva col¬ lected on Urtica dioica, August 1 (77-83b). Larva black, with white spots; spiracular line yellow, wavy, broken.-+4434 Vanessa virginiensis (Drury). Mature larva collected on Anaphalis margaritacea, September 7 (77-10). Larva black, with white lateral spots, white intersegmental transverse bands, and red subspiracular spots.+ -4437 Vanessa atalanta (L.). Mature larva found on Urtica dioica, pupated August 2 (80-143). Larva black, with yellow sides.-4491 Charidryas harrisii (Scudder). Second instar larvae collected on Aster tradescantii, August 13. Lar¬ vae gregarious and with considerable webbing (77-85a).Mature larva collected on Aster umbellatus, May 28 (80-155). Larva orange, with black and white mottling and a black subdorsal band. + -4522 Basilarchia arthemis (Drury). Mature larva collected on Salix bebbiana (79-80). Larva greenish brown, with a silvery saddle. Satyridae + -4568.1 Enodia anthedon A. H. Clark. Mature larva collected on grass (Panicum sp.) at Raquette Lake, July 22 (79-88). Larva green, with yellow-green lines.