Aims: Coronary flow reserve (CFR) and coronary calcium score (CCS) represent different aspects of atherosclerosis. We examined the prevalence and predictors of reduced CFR and high CCS in type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients free of overt cardiovascular disease compared to non-diabetic controls. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 60 T2DM patients stratified by normoalbuminuria (<30mg/24h) (nZ30; age (meanAESD) 60.9AE10.1 years; 40% women) and albuminuria (!30mg/24h) (nZ30; 65.6AE4.8 years; 27% women) randomly selected from our outpatient clinic and 30 non-diabetic controls (59.8AE9.9 years; 40% women) undergoing cardiac 82 Rb PET/CT. Results: In controls, normoalbuminuric, and albuminuric patients CFR was 3.0AE0.8, 2.6AE0.8, and 2.0AE0.5 (P<0.001); frequency of reduced CFR (<2.5) was 16.7, 40.0, and 83.3% (P<0.001); and CCS (median[IQR]) was 0 [0-81], 36 , and 370[152-1025] (P<0.001), respectively. After comprehensive adjustment, CFR remained significant higher (PZ0.023) and CCS significant lower (PZ0.020) in normoalbuminuric vs. albuminuric patients. The univariate association between CFR and CCS was significant in control subjects (R 2 Z0.23; PZ0.007), but not in normoalbuminuric or albuminuric patients (R 2 0.10; P!0.09). However, after adjustment lower CFR was related to higher CCS, UAER, age, heart rate, lower HbA 1C , and male gender (P 0.047) in albuminuric patients; and to female gender (PZ0.024) in normoalbuminuric patients. Higher CCS was related to lower CFR and UAER (P 0.048) in albuminuric patients; and to higher HbA 1C in controls (PZ0.033). Conclusion: T2DM patients free of overt cardiovascular disease had a high prevalence of coronary microvascular dysfunction, especially with concomitant albuminuria. This was not explained by elevated CCS. Prospective studies are needed to show the prognostic significance.
P3.4 FUNCTIONAL CHANGES IN THE CAROTID ARTERY ASSOCIATED WITH AN ACUTE BOUT OF RESISTANCE EXERCISEBackground: Despite the popularity of strength training, few studies have examined the impact of an acute bout of resistance exercise upon functional characteristics of the carotid arterial wall. Methods: Two-dimensional short-axis images of the common carotid artery (CCA) were collected in fifteen healthy males (age: 21 AE 3 years; height: 176.5 AE 6.2 cm; mass; 80.6 AE 15.3 kg; leg-press 1RM: 317 AE 72 kg) before, during, and immediately after (7-12 seconds) an isometric hold of the double-leg press exercise at 30% and 60% of one repetition maximum (1RM) and analysed for peak circumferential strain (PCS), systolic and diastolic strain rate (S-SR and D-SR, respectively). Additionally, beat-by-beat blood pressure was measured throughout. Results: No differences were revealed between 30% and 60% 1RM. During exercise, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP respectively) increased significantly from baseline (p<0.01). Immediately post, SBP returned to baseline levels whereas DBP fell significantly below baseline (p<0.01) In contrast, PCS and S-SR both decreased significantly from baseline during...