How and what students read: A study of evaluation and document selection processes in task-oriented reading IV Acknowledgements Alongside this doctoral thesis, life has developed and continued in the most literal sense. Amid data collection, analysis, innumerous drafts, abstracts and countless hours of frustration, I became a mother. Twice. As two pregnancies and two babies did not directly assist the progress of the thesis, I would first and foremost like to thank my supervisor, Professor Helge I. Strømsø, for your tireless patience, countless hours of supervision, availability, support and everlasting presence in all phases of the completion of this thesis. I am forever grateful for your wisdom and good spirit, both academically and in life generally. I would also especially like to thank Professor Ivar Bråten for including me in the TextDIM research group, for contributing greatly to the work in this thesis, and for providing meeting points with the greatest, international scholars in the field. To Professor Øistein Anmarkrud. It is your fault that I started working on a doctoral thesis in the first place, and I have spent many sleepless nights blaming you for all my academic distress. Now, at the end of the journey, I feel only thankful and owe you the greatest gratitude for all your academic and non-academic support during the last decade. Many years of work with the thesis have resulted in many encounters with many great people. First, thanks to my co-authors, Ivar Bråten, Matthew T. McCrudden, and Helge I. Strømsø for the collaboration, help and for teaching me the cycles of academic writing. Thanks to all the members of TextDIM research group for good seminars, nice dinners, and great travels. Especially thanks to Professor Øistein Anmarkrud and Professor emiritus Bodil Stokke Olaussen for all the constructive comments and feedback in different phases of the work with my thesis. Further, I would particularly like to thank four fabulous women; Anette, Emilia, Kristin B. V. and Leila. Thank you for being true motivators and for generously offering a space to complain, ask questions, relax, and laugh. In addition, I am very greatful to all of my PhD-fellows at various times, and to all the fantastic people at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research. Further, I would like to thank the students participating in the studies in the the thesis, and for their teachers allowing them to do so. I am very greatful for your interest in my project, and for welcoming me in your classes. Thanks to my family and friends for always being interested and for being supportive through these years. Even though it has been hard to grasp the essence of my writings, you have never stopped asking questions and forcing me to transfer theory into practice.