The purpose. To study effect of fertilizers on dynamics of harvesting dry matter and feeding capacity of grass mixture of lotus and timothy. Methods. Field and laboratory researches. Results. Results of researches of influence of bacterial preparation Rizobofit, phosphoric and molybdenum fertilizers on dynamics of harvesting dry matter for the first 3 years of use of legume-cereal grass stand are brought. Increment of dry matter from application of Rizobofit makes 3,5%, at joint application of biological product on the background of phosphate fertilizer (Р60)-18,6%. High efficiency of Rizobofit was observed in the 1-st hay cutting of the first 2 years of use of the grass stand. Combination of treatment of seeds with Rizobofit and ammonium molybdate was inefficient, and was followed by decrease of exit of dry matter. They also determined influence of ways of fertilizing upon feeding capacity of perennial agrophytocenosis. So, on the average for the first 3 years of use of perennial grasses the least productive was legume-cereal grass stand without use of fertilizers where exit of dry matter had made 6,88 t/hectare, feed units-5,26 t/hectare, crude protein-0,91 t/hectare. Use of fertilizers essentially raised carrying capacity of grass mixture of lotus with timothy. So, inoculation of seeds of lotus with Rizobofit promoted increase in exit of dry matter for 0,24 t/hectare, or 3,5%, feed units-for 0,26 t/hectare, or 4,9%, crude protein-for 0,15 t/hectare, or 16,5%. So, in their researches use of Rizobofit had more influenced exit of crude protein for 1 hectare. Application of biological product Rizobofit on the background of phosphate fertilizers (Р60) provided increase in exit of dry matter (in relation to grass stand without fertilizers) on 1,28 t/hectare, or 19,7%; feed units-on 0,99 t/hectare, or 18,8%; crude protein-on 0,32 t/hectare, or 35,2%. Conclusions. Entering of phosphate fertilizers into combination to inoculation of seeds of lotus with Rizobofit promoted formation of the maximum feed capacity of legume-cereal grass stand. Use of Rizofobit plays an important role in increase of gathering crude protein. So, at joint application of biological product and phosphoric fertilizer (Р 60) the output of crude protein for 1 hectare has increased for 35,2% in comparison with a variant without fertilizer.