The aim of the work was to determine some biochemical parameters, taking into account the sex of the outbred (conventional) rats in the norm, used at the experiment to determine the reference val-ues. The experiments were carried out on 41 rats of 5-6 months age old., weighing 200-250 g, divided into two groups - males (n = 16) and fe-males (n = 25). Blood serum was obtained accord-ing to the generally accepted method. Blood serum was obtained according to standard methods. Biochemical parameters were analyzed on an IDEXX CatalystOne automated analyzer. Protein and carbohy-drate metabolism were analyzed by the se-rum levels of total protein (TP), albumin (Alb), urea (Urea), creatinine (Creat), glu-cose (Glu), the enzyme spectrum - by alka-line phosphatase (ALP), alanine and aspar-tate aminotransferase (ALT and AST), min-eral metabolism - by calcium (Ca), phospho-rus (P), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chlo-rine (Cl), as well as bile pigment - by total bilirubin (T.bil). De Ritis coefficient (AST / ALT), globulin (Glob), albumin/globulin ratio (A / G) was revealed by the calculation method. The results were taken into account in two versions: 1 - according to all animals (16 males and 25 females); 2 - according to samples from the general population in three replicates. It was found that out of 17 biochemical parameters -15 are constant, due to the sex of the experimental animals. So, females showed higher indicators of protein and min-eral metabolism, glucose, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, while in males this was record-ed only in four cases - in the content of urea and AST and in the ratios A / G, AST / ALT. Data on the content of creatinine and total bilirubin in the blood serum of rats were variable in nature and were close in value. Thus, the results of the studies carried out can be used in the future, for biochemical diagnostics of systematic metaboli