IntroductionLet S and T be two self mappings of a metric space (X, d) Sessa [2] defines S and T to be weakly commuting if d (STx, TSx) < d(Tx, Sx) for all x in X Jungck [1] defines S and T to be compatible if limn_>00(5Txn,T5xn) = 0 whenever {xn} is a sequence in X such that limn_njo Sxn = lim^oo Txn = x for some x in X. By Lemma 1, we suppose that X contains at least three points.
LEMMA 2 [1]. Let f and g be compatible self mappings on a metric space (X,d). If f{t) = g(t), then fg(t) = gf(t).The purpose of this paper is to prove some fixed point theorems for compatible mappings satisfying an implicit relation.
Implicit relationsLet T be the set of all real continuous functions (.F a ): F(u, v, v,u,u + v, 0 F(u, v, u, v, (Fb): Let be u > 0 and F (u,viu,v,0,u+ vCzhU, where Ci > 0, C2, C3 > 0, ci + 2c2 < 1, and Ci + C3 < 1.
F\\ Obviously.(Fa): Let be u > 0 and F (u, v, v,u,u + v (FB) Let be u > 0 and F (u, v,u, v,0,u+v (F0); Let be u > 0 and F (u,v,v,u,u + vwhere hi = f±| < 1.(Fb): Let be u > 0 and F(u, v, u, v,0,u + v F X : Obviously.