BACKGROUND:-There is evidence that ART is associated with lipodystrophy syndrome, a disturbance of
lipid metabolism characterised by insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia, and fat maldistribution, metabolic
bone disease (osteopenia and/or osteoporosis), and lactic acidosis. ART- associated dyslipidaemia is characterized by
elevated serum concentrations of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein 2(LDL-c), very low-density lipoprotein
(VLDL), and Apo lipoprotein B (apoB) and low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL-c) constituting an atherogenic lipid
prole . In this study 143 young patients who were attending the Antiretroviral Therapy PlusMATERIAL AND METHODS:-
Centre & Medicine Wards, ACSR GMC NELLORE were included randomly. 5mlSample preparation and Biochemical assay :-
of venous blood sample was collected by venipuncture from 12 hours overnight fast and centrifuged at 3000 cycles per minute
and serum was separated for lipid prole measurement within one hour of blood collection. The serum levels of TC, HDL-C,
LDL-C, VLDL and TG were measured using AU480 BECKMANS random access fully automated auto analyzer at Biochemistry
laboratory, ACSR GMC, NELLORE. TC, LDL and TC/HDL lipid proles are signicant. F-Signicant values areRESULTS;-
<0.05, reject null hypothesis. It means that the difference among the lipid proles of TC, LDL and TC/HDL in the study group is
statistically signicant with respect to regimen groups. HDL, TG and VLDL lipid proles are not signicant. F-Signicant values
are >0.05, no evidence to reject null hypothesis. It means that the no signicant difference among the lipid proles of HDL, TG,
and VLDL in the study group is not statistically signicant with respect to regimen groups. SignicantCONCLUSIONS:-
metabolic and morphological alterations occur in HIV infected patients especially in patients on HAART. The patients on
HAART had an elevated Castelli Index I, indicating an increased risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in this
population. There is need to assess lipid proles at baseline before initiation of HAART treatment and lipid prole monitoring
during therapy to monitor any rising trends. New medications with more lipid friendly proles within existing drugs such as
darunavir (PI), etravirine (NNRTI), new classes of drugs such as integrase inhibitors (raltegravir) and CCR5 inhibitors
(maraviroc) can be used to avoid dyslipidaemia.