Introduction 7 1 -1tends to zero as r^-1 for every 0=|=Omod27r, and P (r,9) clearly satisfies condition (ii) above.Secondly, if condition (ii) above is weakened by replacing 'o' by '0', the conclusion of the above theorem does not hold. For dP{r,6)ld6 = -£ nr n sinn6 7 1 = 1 tends to zero as r-> 1 for every 6. On the other hand, as r -> 1.Thirdly, if condition (ii) above is weakened by replacing ||/(r, 0)|| by \\f(r, 6) WJJ,, where \\f(r, 6) \\JJ, is the L p -norm on concentric circles of radius r, l^pl. (For further comments concerning the Z>-norm on concentric circles of radius r, see the concluding section of the paper.) f This research was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 13 (1963) 639-52 640 V. L. SHAPIRO We shall designate limsup/(r, 0) by f*{6) and liminf/(r,0) by r-»1 r-*lThe principal result.that we shall prove in this paper is the following: f(r, 0) be a function harmonic in the interior of the unit disk and let E be a countable set contained in the interval [0,27r). Suppose that (i) \\f(r t 0)\\ = o[(l-r)-*]a8r-»l, (ii) /*(0) andf*{9) are finite for 9 in [0,2TT)\E, (iii) /*(#) andf*{d) are both in L 1 on [0,2rr), (iv) (l-r)/(r,0)-*O as r->l for 6 in E. Thenf*{9) =/*(0) almost everywhere in [0, 2TT) and