The usage period of seed-bulls, their sexual activity, the amount and quality of semen obtained from them depend both on the individual characteristics of the animal organ-ism and numerous environmental factors. The diet should contain all the necessary organic substances: easily digest-ible carbohydrates (starch and sugar), lipids, minerals and vitamins. The lack or deficiency of macro-and trace ele-ments in the diet and inadequate ratio of individual mineral elements disrupts the processes of nutrient intake into the animal body, thereby contributing to the disruption of meta-bolic processes. However, the mineral composition of plant forages depends largely on soil and climatic conditions, production and storage techniques. The average trace element deficiency in energy-balanced diets is 30-50%, and that necessitates using mineral supplements in animal diets. The nature of changes occurring in an animal body when feeding new forages, feed supplements, biological growth promoters and other products should and may be controlled through the main blood values. The research goal was to study the blood morphological composition of Black Pied seed bulls when using a mineral supplement based on maral antler press-cake. The experimental stud-ies were carried out in the breeding company AO “Plempredpriyatiye Barnaulskoye”, the Altai Region, in 2021, in the control and trial groups of comparable Black Pied seed bulls used on the farms of the Altai Region. Along with the basic diet, the seed bulls of the trial group received the mineral supplement based on maral antler press-cake; the daily dose -15.0 g per head, for 30 days with 10 days’ interval aftereach application. The supple-ment was mixed with compound feed before feeding. The mineral supplement was made at the Federal Altai Scien-tific Center of Agro-Biotechnologiesafter fermentation and autoclaving of maral antler press-cake; a significant amount of biologically active substances was found in ant-ler press-cake. The morphological status of the blood of seed bulls when using the mineral supplement made from maral antlers was characterized by a higher counts of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and leukocytes by 8.8%, 8.31% and 3.6%, higher values of hematocrit volume, mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) by 9.78%, 0.3%, 1.8% and 1.4%, respectively, as compared to those blood indices of the control group animals; that was indica-tive of its hematopoietic effect.