Due to the military conflict in Ukraine, there is a problem of restoring the road network through partial or complete reconstruction in accordance with the traffic flow intensities. Therefore, it is important to conduct an analysis of the functioning state of the road network. In areas with complex traffic conditions, there is a need for traffic management based on a model of traffic flow distribution using mathematical modeling methods.
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To analyze the influence of passenger transport on traffic flow, we develop a microscopic traffic flow model that incorporates various factors such as vehicle speed, acceleration, deceleration, lane-changing behavior, and interaction between different types of vehicles. The model takes into account the specific characteristics of passenger transport vehicles, their behavior in mixed traffic, and their impact on the overall traffic flow. We conducted extensive simulations using the developed microscopic traffic flow model to evaluate the influence of passenger transport on the traffic flow characteristics. The simulations were based on real-world scenarios and considered different traffic conditions, including varying traffic volumes. Our results demonstrate that the presence of passenger transport vehicles has a significant impact on the microscopic characteristics of traffic flow on country roads. We observed that the introduction of passenger transport vehicles affects the overall traffic flow dynamics, including vehicle speeds, acceleration patterns, and lane-changing behavior of both passenger transport and other vehicles in traffic flow. Furthermore, we found that the interaction between passenger transport and other vehicles plays a crucial role in determining the traffic flow characteristics. Additionally, our study highlights the importance of considering passenger transport in traffic flow models and transportation planning. The presence of passenger transport vehicles can significantly impact the overall performance of the road network, including travel time, congestion, and safety. Therefore, incorporating the characteristics and behavior of passenger transport vehicles into traffic flow models can provide more accurate predictions and assist in developing effective traffic management strategies. In conclusion, this study contributes to a better understanding of the influence of passenger transport on the microscopic characteristics of traffic flow on roads. The developed microscopic traffic flow model provides valuable insights into the behavior of passenger transport vehicles and their interaction with other vehicles, leading to a comprehensive understanding of traffic flow dynamics. The findings of this study can aid transportation planners and policymakers in making informed decisions for improving the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of road networks.
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