The fusion curves of HgC!, and HgI2 were measured to a pressure of 22 kbar. The melting temperature can be represented as a function of pressure by tp=to+bl P+b2P2, where tp is the melting temperature in degrees Centigrade at a pressure P in kilobars; bl and b, are constants. Values for to (deg) , bl (deg kbac l ), and b2 (deg kbac') are 276, 259; 19.8, 17.1, and -0.26, -0.41, respectively. The electrical conductivities (K) of molten HgCI, and HgI2 were measured to 805 and 620°C, respectively, at a pressure of 5.4 kbar. The electrical conductivity of HgCI,(l) was also measured from 557 to 634°C at P=20.5 kbar. At these elevated pressures K varies exponentially with liT, i.e., K~A exp-(Ek/ RT). At 5.4 kbar, A =2.13 and 0.36 (g·cm)-l; Ek=8.46±0.14 and 2.53±0.12 kcal/mole, respectively, for molten HgClz and HgI,. The behavior of HgC!,(l) and HgI 2 (l) at this elevated pressure is now typical for a strong electrolyte. This is in contrast to their behavior at ordinary pressures where HgCI, shows a maximum in its K vs T curve and HgI 2 has a negative temperature coefficient of K from the onset of melting. The conductivities of molten HgCl, and HgI2 were also examined from 3 to 20 kbar at constant T. At 600 o K, Kp~20 kbarlK P-3 kbar for HgCI, = 12.4; at 555°K this ratio for HgI2 is 1.66. Thus pressure increases the conductivity of these salts. This is attributed to a greater degree of ionic dissociation at elevated pressures.