immediate vlclmty of the volcano, rapidly falling off in Pelorus Reef. The water deepened again to 719 (cinder), size at a comparatively short distance from the Sunda when we hove to for the night. On July 11 we continued Straits. a bout this position, the shoalest sounding being 246. On The longer waves, with the original period of two hours, the 12th we continued the search, and by following up at are traced by automatic and eye observations to have quarter-mile intervals struck 95 fathoms late in the afterproceeded mainly in a westerly direction from Krakatao, noon. Prepared a beacon, and the following day (July being noticeable at Ceylon, all over the western part of 13), after excellent star observations, sounded and shoaled the Indian Ocean, the south coasts of Africa and South as yesterd'lY, and when the men were standing by to slip America, the west coast of Australia, and possibly-though the beaco n, discoloured water was reported from the the evidence is not free from doubt-as far as the west coast mast-head; it was almost immediately seen from the of France and the entrance to the English Channel. In deck, and by 9 a.m. the beacon was dropped in 24 fathoms, other directions, such as the China Sea, the Pacific, and with a stretch of light-greenish water extending in a the Gulf of Mexico, they do not seem to have been felt, northerly and southerly direction for a bout half a mile. the supposed indications not being compatible in any way The whalers were lowered, and remained all day in this with the times and distances. green water. As a general result, it may be said that the mean depths " Meantime more discoloured water was reported from deduced by the formula V = Jiiil, from the best data for aloft, and I sent Mr. Kiddie up with his glasses, and he