COMMUNICATIONS[(I] Scveriil comp~)tind\ of thc type PhSeSiR, (R, = Me,, Et,. Me,Ph. Me,rBu. Ph,iBu) Mere Acreened for this purpose; however, compound 1 was hest suited fool the radicnl chain group transfer reaction because ofits stability to hydrolysis [J] 1351. _I. H. Byen. T G. Gleason, K S. Knight. J. Clirm. So<,. C/iriii. Cmiiiiuii. 19YI. 354 356. 1x1 T. H:iinnd,i. A Nishida. 0. Yonemitsu. J Ain. Cheni So< 1986. 108, 140-145: 1' . Hamada. .A Nishida. 0 Yonemitsu. ihid. 1980. /02. 3978-3Y80. [O] 1). Rchin. A Wcllei.. 1 ,~. J C/im. 1970. 8. 259 [7] M. Nchcomb. D J. Marquardt. M. U. Kumar. 7?7rtro/itvhii 19Y0, 46. 2345 [lo] The ouidatioii potential (€(";I = 1.2X eV;SCE) and energy orexcitation (E,,<> = 367 37 k J ) value\ for DMN wcre taken from ref. [8]. whereas the E\T',"]of 1 wiis rmined by cyclic voltammetry. by using ii PAR 173 potentiostat coupled with a PAR 175 universal progammer, and the data werc recorded on :I RE0091 X-Y recorder: Pt UME (Ultra micro electrode) working electrode. Pt foil counter electrode; tetrabutylammonium hexafluurohorate ITBABF,) in dry CH ,CN as supporting electrolyte. The CH,CN rolution wi\ degassed hy argon bubbling for 10 min before measurement. The sciiii rille wii\ 500 iiiVb-' and values :ire relative to SCE. [12] TIIS G i b b frcc cnergy was determined with theequation AG,, = E[,r;l -Ei';d'. i n ~. h i c h the El'';] value of H,A estimated by cyclic \oltanimetry [lo] w a y 1.OX4cV'SCI~ and the E\'Sdl value for DMN" was 1.28 eV:SCE [XI.