IIISTORICAL DATAIn California, as well as in all other important wine-producing regions, wines are subject to attack and spoilage by a group of several species of rather closely related nonmotile, rod-like bacteria.According to Semichon (1905) one of these, the "mannitie ferment, " B a t . mannitopoeum, develops principally during fermentation of grape must a t high temperatures, 38 t o 40" C. (100.4 to 104" F-), and is characterized by production of considerable (often one per cent or more) mannite from levulose. He states that the disease known as "Tourne" and which in many respects resembles the mannite disease, usually develops after yeast fermentation has ceased or has become very slow, and is due t o a filamentous, anaerobic bacterium that converts tartrates into acetic and propionic acids. He states that it forms Iactic acid. snccinic acid and mannite, as well as acetic acid, from sugar. A similar organism, according to Semichon, is responsible for the disease known as "pousse" which differs from "tonme" in that gas, carbon dioxide, is produced abundantly, often giving the appearance of yeast fermentation. A third disease, "l'amertume'' (bitterness) is attributed by Semichon to a filamentous, anaerobic bacterium, similar to the tourne and pousse organisms.Other French authors Pacottet (1926), Chancrin (10th edition), Dugast (1930), Gayon and Dabourg (1894) and Eayser (1913) have expressed similar opinions. Recently a British author, Couche (1935), expressed views and used nomenclature very similar to those of the French authors cited above. His book summarizes very well the work and opinions of the old French school. Sannino (1925) refers briefly Bcbcilhs sapr-cqenzcs viwi I and I1,Bacillu.s m e u s vini of BaciE7us amrcrylus of Voisenet and Bacillzu. Iacticws as rod-shaped bacteria capable of growing in wine in the absence of air. Voisenet (1911) has studied extensively H. a m r c r y l u s that decomposes glycerine with formation of acrolein.Some of the most thorough research on the rod-shaped bacteria of wines was conducted by MiilIer-Thnrgau and OsterwaIder (1913, 1922, 1917 have described Bact. ma?zfinitopoeum, Bacd. Lder-113 FOOD RESEARCH, Tor.. 1, KO. 2