Abstract-This paper is motivated by the human-elephant conflict that often occurs due to the narrowing of the elephant habitat caused by industrial and residential interests. In addition, the habitat breadth and the lack of elephant keepers also becomes a consideration. In this paper, we propose an elephant detector using radio frequency. The detector using KYL-200L as transmitter is mounted on the elephant necklace and the sensor nodes as transceivers are installed at some point in the outer boundaries of the elephant habitat. When an elephant is moving within the sensor node radius, the node will send information to the server to be displayed on surveillance computer, and an alert will be sent via SMS to the elephant keeper. The result shows that the maximum communication distance range obtained is 190 m, depending on the propagation and geographical location of the nodes. The average delay of SMS sending is 4.74 seconds depending on providers'traffic service. The differences on the elephant position detection caused by SMS delay are insignificant compared to the radius of the nodes and the elephant habitat.Intisari-Penulisan makalah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh konflik gajah dan manusia yang sering terjadi seiring dengan menyempitnya habitat gajah karena kepentingan industri dan pemukiman. Selain itu luasnya habitat gajah dan kurangnya tenaga pengawas gajah juga menjadi pertimbangan. Pada makalah ini dibuat alat deteksi keberadaan gajah berbasis frekuensi radio. Node sensor menggunakan KYL-200L dipasang pada kalung gajah sebagai transmitter, dan node sensor sebagai transceiver dipasang pada beberapa titik di batas luar habitat gajah. Ketika gajah bergerak dalam radius node sensor, node sensor akan mengirimkan data pembacaan ke server untuk ditampilkan pada komputer pemantau maupun SMS ponsel pemantau. Dari pengukuran hasil implementasi sensor diperoleh jarak jangkauan maksimal komunikasi transmitter dan transceiver adalah 190 m, bergantung pada propagasi dan letak geografis. Delay rata-rata pengiriman SMS adalah sebesar 4,74 detik, bergantung pada trafik operator selular. Perbedaan deteksi posisi gajah karena delay SMS tidak signifikan dibandingkan radius node maupun luas habitat gajah. Upaya pencegahan konflik gajah dengan manusia dilakukan dengan patroli keliling untuk mengarahkan gajahgajah liar kembali ke hutan apabila gajah memasuki ladang maupun kebun milik masyarakat. Namun upaya ini dinilai kurang efisien mengingat terbatasnya sumber daya manusia dibanding luas habitat gajah.Berdasarkan hal di atas, perlu adanya suatu sistem deteksi otomatis keberadaan gajah yang dapat menjangkau daerah yang luas. Sistem deteksi keberadaan gajah sudah pernah dikembangkan antara lain menggunakan GPS [9], sensor cahaya menggunakan laser yang terpasang di antara pohon [10], maupun deteksi dengan menggunakan sensor getaran yang dipasang di tanah [11], [12]. Sistem deteksi yang telah dibuat tersebut mempunyai kelemahan pada tingginya biaya pemasangan dan kurang efektif untuk populasi habitat yang besar [13].Kelemahan sistem d...
In this study, the implementation of a sensor node monitoring system based on the MQTT protocolis presented. The sensor node is made using the NodeMCU ESP8266 which is connected to thesensor to measure temperature, humidity, gas levels, and the presence of fire. Nodered is used tobuild a monitoring system. In this study, four connected sensor nodes were used. The MQTTprotocol is implemented on both sides of the sensor node and monitoring system. The sensor nodewill act as a publisher and the monitoring system will act as a subscriber. The sensor dataobtained will be sent to the monitoring system using the MQTT protocol. The test results showedthat the MQTT protocol was successfully implemented. Data from all sensor nodes can bedisplayed on the monitoring system
AbstrakTeknologi serat optik telah dapat digunakan sebagai aplikasi sensor jarak jauh. Selain kemampuannya dalam hal kecepatan dan kapasitas dalam trasnfer data, penggunaan serat optik pada aplikasi sensor jarak jauh adalah karena ukurannya yang kecil serta tidak membutuhkan sumber energi listrik. GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) merupakan standar komunikasi optik yang dikembangkan oleh ITU-T via G.984. GPON memiliki memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibanding standar lain, yaitu: memiliki bandwidth yang besar dan efisiensi yang tinggi. Pada penelitian ini penulis merancang penggunaan serat optik pada aplikasi sensor jarak jauh menggunakan standar GPON pada salah satu client yang terhubung dengan STO BKR, STO PBR, STO RBI dan STO ARK Pekanbaru. Aplikasi sensor ini disimulasikan menggunakan software Optisystem dengan parameter pengujian yaitu power link budget dan Bit Error Rate (BER). Dari hasil pengukuran menggunakan Optical Power Meter (OPM) yang ada di Optosystem, diperoleh nilai level daya penerimaan lebih besar dari -28 dBm dan BER lebih kecil dari 10 -9 . Kata kunci: GPON, aplikasi sensor, power link budget, BER AbstractOptical fiber technology can be used as a remote sensor application. In addition to its ability in terms of speed and capacity in data transfer, the use of optical fiber in remote sensor applications is due to its small size and does not require an electrical energy source. GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) is an optical communication standard developed by ITU-T via G.984. GPON has several advantages over other standards, namely: having large bandwidth and high efficiency. In this study the authors designed the use of optical fibers in remote sensor applications using the GPON standard on one client connected to STO BKR, STO PBR, STO RBI and STO ARK Pekanbaru. This sensor application is simulated using Optisystem software with parameters namely power link budget and Bit Error Rate (BER). From the results of measurements using Optical Power Meter (OPM) in the Optosystem, the value of the reception power level is greater than -28 dBm and BER is smaller than 10-9.
Landslides are one of the causes of the collapse of the transmission tower of PT PLN (Persero) which caused power outages, therefore monitoring the shifting of the transmission tower tread is very necessary so that power outages due to the collapsed tower can be anticipated faster. In this study the authors made a study to monitor tower shifts by using Ultrasonic sensors and LVDT sensors (Linear Variable Differential Transducer), Ultrasonic sensors function to detect shifts from towers and LVDT sensors function to detect shifts from the left and right tread tower ground. In this research, there are three main sensors, namely 2 LVDT sensors and one Ultasonic sensor - each sensor is placed in a safe position from interference and has the least possibility of being affected by landslides, Ultrasonic sensors read the tower shift towards the sensor mounted on the center side and LVDT sensors read the shift ground tread tower on the left and right side of the tower. The sensor sends the signal then is converted by the ATMega 8535 microcontroller into a millimeter unit for LVDT sensors and centimeter meter for Ultrasonic sensors. To find out the changes that occur in the tower and tower ground. Every change in distance or the occurrence of a microcontroller shift sends event data in the form of tower numbers and tower shift distances from each sensor reading using SMS (Short Message Service) communication. The installed LVDT sensor has a reading accuracy rate of 98,05% for LVDT 1 and 98,98% for LVDT 2 in millimeters and an Ultrasonic sensor has a reading accuracy rate of 99,44% in centimeters.
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