Vertex coloring is one of the classic symmetry breaking problems studied in distributed computing. In this paper we present a new algorithm for (∆ + 1)-list coloring in the randomized LOCAL model running in O(Detd(poly log n)) time, where Detd(n ) is the deterministic complexity of (deg +1)-list coloring on n -vertex graphs. (In this problem, each v has a palette of size deg(v) + 1.) This improves upon a previous randomized algorithm of Harris, Schneider, and Su [STOC 2016, J. ACM 2018] with complexity O( √ log ∆ + log log n + Detd(poly log n)), and, for some range of ∆, is much faster than the best known deterministic algorithm of Fraigniaud, Heinrich, and Kosowski [FOCS 2016] and Barenboim, Elkin, and Goldenberg [PODC 2018], with complexity O( √ ∆ log ∆ log * ∆ + log * n). Our algorithm appears to be optimal, in view of the Ω(Det(poly log n)) randomized lower bound due to Chang, Kopelowitz, and Pettie [FOCS 2016, SIAM J. Comput. 2019], where Det is the deterministic complexity of (∆ + 1)-list coloring. At present, the best upper bounds on Detd(n ) and Det(n ) are both 2 O √ log n and use a black box application of network decompositions due to Panconesi and Srinivasan [J.Algorithms 1996]. It is quite possible that the true deterministic complexities of both problems are the same, asymptotically, which would imply the randomized optimality of our (∆ + 1)-list coloring algorithm.1 In the case of MIS, the subproblems actually have size poly(∆) log n, but satisfy the additional property that they contain distance-5 dominating sets of size O(log n), which is often just as good as having poly log(n) size. See [9, §3] or [21, §4] for more discussion of this.2 See [33,14,12] for the formal definition of the class of locally checkable labeling (LCL) problems.