H.-J. Buschmann et al.: The Reversible Hydration of Carbonyl Compounds in Aqueous Solution, Part I 41 T h e same is true with respect to the theoretical approach concerning the stability of W/O microemulsions within the validity range of this model (wo > 20). The surprising validity of the applied equipartition principle as concluded from the excellent coincidence between measured and calculated points, appears noteworthy. T h e latter observation certainly points to a remarkable monodispersity of the discussed W/O microemulsions.The equilibrium constants of hydration (given in parenthesis) have been determined for the aliphatic aldehydes acetaldehyde (1.2), propionaldehyde (1.24), butyraldehyde (0.58), pentanal (0.34), and hexanal (0.41), for the halogenated acetones chloracetone (0.091), fluoroacetone (0.167), and l,l,l-trifluoroacetone (35), and for the 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds 2.3-butanedione (2.1) and 2,3-pentanedione (1.7). Comparing the constants shows, that the equilibrium of hydration of carbonyl compounds is determined mainly by the inductive effects of the substituents.Die Hydratations-Gleichgewichtskonstanten (in Klammern angegeben) wurden fiir die aliphatischen Aldehyde Acetaldehyd (1,2), Propionaldehyd (1,24), Butyraldehyd (0,58), Pentanal (0,34) und Hexanal (0,41), fur die halogenierten Acetone Chloraceton (0.091), Fluoraceton (0,167) und 1,l,l-Trifluoraceton (35) und fur die 1,2-Dicarbonylverbindungen 2,3-Butandion (2,l) und 2.3-Pentandion (1,7) bestimmt. EinVergleich der Konstanten zeigt, daD das Hydratationsgleichgewicht von Carbonylverbindungen vorwiegend durch den induktiven Effekt der Substituenten bestimmt wird. 0 OD 11 I I 00 KI J I + O i O c CHI-CH~--C-C-CHI .J i 1 i , , , , , 483 280 2.33 185 1MA 28, 162 (1974).Czech. Chem. Commun. 31, 388 (1966).