The level of accuracy that can be achieved by a force
field is
influenced by choices made in the interaction-function representation
and in the relevant simulation parameters. These choices, referred
to here as functional-form variants (FFVs), include for example the
model resolution, the charge-derivation procedure, the van der Waals
combination rules, the cutoff distance, and the treatment of the long-range
interactions. Ideally, assessing the effect of a given FFV on the
intrinsic accuracy of the force-field representation requires that
only the specific FFV is changed and that this change is performed
at an optimal level of parametrization, a requirement that may prove
extremely challenging to achieve in practice. Here, we present a first
attempt at such a comparison for one specific FFV, namely the choice
of a united-atom (UA) versus an all-atom (AA) resolution in a force
field for saturated acyclic (halo)alkanes. Two force-field versions
(UA vs AA) are optimized in an automated way using the CombiFF approach
against 961 experimental values for the pure-liquid densities ρliq and vaporization enthalpies ΔH
vap of 591 compounds. For the AA force field, the torsional
and third-neighbor Lennard–Jones parameters are also refined
based on quantum-mechanical rotational-energy profiles. The comparison
between the UA and AA resolutions is also extended to properties that
have not been included as parameterization targets, namely the surface-tension
coefficient γ, the isothermal compressibility κ
, the isobaric thermal-expansion coefficient α
, the isobaric heat capacity c
, the static relative dielectric permittivity
ϵ, the self-diffusion coefficient D, the shear
viscosity η, the hydration free energy ΔG
wat, and the free energy of solvation ΔG
che in cyclohexane. For the target properties ρliq and ΔH
vap, the UA and
AA resolutions reach very similar levels of accuracy after optimization.
For the nine other properties, the AA representation leads to more
accurate results in terms of η; comparably accurate results
in terms of γ, κ
, α
, ϵ, D, and ΔG
che; and less accurate results in terms of c
and ΔG
wat. This work also represents a first step toward the
calibration of a GROMOS-compatible force field at the AA resolution.