| 176: A. Hoshiga, The initial value problems for quasi-linear war.e equations in trvo space dimensions lvith small data, 25 pages. 1992. il 177: K. Sugano, On bicommutators of modules over H-separable extension rings III, 9 pages. 1993. I l7E: T. Nakaai, Toeplitz operators and weighted norm inequalities, 17 pages. 1993. | 179: O. Ogurisu, Existence and structure of infinitely degenerate zero-energy ground states of a Wess-Zumino type model in supersymmetric quantum mechanics, 26 pages. 1993. il lE0: O. Ogurisu, Ground state of a spin 1/2 charged particle in an even dimensional magnetic field, 9 pages. I 993. fl 161: I(. Sugano, Note on H-separable Galois extension, 6 pages. 1993. | 162: NI. Yamada, Distance formulas of asymptotic Toeplitz and Hankel operators, i3 pages. 1993 | 163: G. Ishikawa, T. Ozawa, The genus of a connected compact real algebraic surface in the affine three space, 11 pages. 1993. il 1E4: T. Hibi, Canonical modules and Cohen-Macaulay types of partially ordered sets, 6 pages. 1993. il 165: Y. Giga, I(. Yama-uchi, On a lower bound {or the extinction time of surfaces moved by mean curvature, 16 pages. 1993. I lE6: Y. Iiurokarva, On {unctional modulj for first order ordinar."diferential equations, 9 pages. 1993. ! iE7: O. Ogurisu, Unitary equivalence between a spin 1/2 charged particle in a two'dimensional magnetic field and a spin 1/2 neutral particle with an anornalous magnetic moment in a twedimensional electric field, 4 pages. 1993. | 166: A. Jensen, T. Ozarva, Existence and non-existence results for lvave operators for perturbations of the laplacian, 30 pages. 1993.