Data that incorporate the full complexity of healthy beverage intake and voiding frequency do not exist; therefore, clinicians reviewing bladder habits or voiding diaries for continence care must rely on expert opinion recommendations.
To use data-driven cluster analyses to reduce complex voiding diary variables into discrete patterns or data cluster profiles, descriptively name the clusters, and perform validity testing.
Participants were 352 community women who filled out a 3-day voiding diary. Six variables (void frequency during daytime hours, void frequency during nighttime hours, modal output, total output, total intake, and body mass index) were entered into cluster analyses. The clusters were analyzed for differences by continence status, age, race (Black women, n = 196 White women, n = 156), and for those who were incontinent, by leakage episode severity.
Three clusters emerged, labeled descriptively as Conventional, Benchmark, and Superplus. The Conventional cluster (68% of the sample) demonstrated mean daily intake of 45 ±13 ounces; mean daily output of 37 ± 15 ounces, mean daily voids 5 ± 2 times, mean modal daytime output 10±0.5 ounces, and mean nighttime voids 1±1 times. The Superplus cluster (7% of the sample) showed double or triple these values across the 5 variables, and the Benchmark cluster (25%) showed values consistent with current popular recommendations on intake and output (e.g., meeting or exceeding the 8 × 8 fluid intake rule of thumb). The clusters differed significantly (p < .05) by age, race, amount of irritating beverages consumed, and incontinence status.
Identification of three discrete clusters provides for a potential parsimonious but data-driven means of classifying individuals for additional epidemiological or clinical study. The clinical utility rests with potential for intervening to move an individual from a high risk to low risk cluster with regards to incontinence.