It is said that the reason Bulgarians enjoy longevity is that they have a lot of yogurt, whose Lactobacillus controls intestinal poison-producing germs. In young individuals, the number of bifidobacteria exceeds 10 billion per 1 g of intestinal content, but this number decreases for older or senile individuals, who have a larger number of harmful microorganisms such as Clostridium. In addition, it is well known that artificially increasing intestinal bifidobacteria can help control harmful microorganisms and thus facilitate a healthier and longer life. The microorganisms used for artificial spawn are referred to as probiotic microorganisms, and in general, lactic acid bacteria(LAB) are used. Unlike antibiotics, which kill harmful microorganisms, probiotic microorganisms coexist with and control them, while improving the health of the individual, that is, they can improve and invigorate host cells. Because probiotic microorganisms and its products based on LAB are known to help prevent and treat constipation, diarrhea, intestinal inflammation, and blood cholesterol and generally improve health through the purification of intestines, its market has been continuously expanding. Korea imports approximately 90% of spawn and uses them. It is likely that they are not appropriate for Korean's physical condition. Thus, considering this problem into account, Entecbio, a biotech firm in Korea, has produced various products by using its proprietary microorganisms. In this paper, the effects, characteristics, and kinds of products from based on proprietary microorganisms, with its prospect for market, etc., are generally examined.