Abstract-In neonatal cardiomyocytes, activation of the G q -coupled ␣ 1 -adrenergic receptor (␣ 1 AR) induces hypertrophy by activating mitogen-activated protein kinases, including c-Jun NH 2 -terminal kinase (JNK). Here, we show that JNK activation is essential for ␣ 1 AR-induced hypertrophy, in that ␣ 1 AR-induced hypertrophic responses, such as reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and increased protein synthesis, could be blocked by expressing the JNK-binding domain of JNK-interacting protein-1, a specific inhibitor of JNK. We also identified the classes and subunits of G proteins that mediate ␣ 1 AR-induced JNK activation and hypertrophic responses by generating several recombinant adenoviruses that express polypeptides capable of inhibiting the function of specific G-protein subunits. ␣ 1 AR-induced JNK activation was inhibited by the expression of carboxyl terminal regions of G␣ q , G␣ 12 , and G␣ 13 . JNK activation was also inhibited by the G␣ q/11 -or G␣ 12/13 -specific regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) domains and by C3 toxin but was not affected by treatment with pertussis toxin or by expression of the carboxyl terminal region of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2, a polypeptide that sequesters G␥. ␣ 1 AR-induced hypertrophic responses were inhibited by G␣ q/11 -and G␣ 12/13 -specific RGS domains, C3 toxin, and the carboxyl terminal region of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 but not by pertussis toxin. Activation of Rho was inhibited by carboxyl terminal regions of G␣ 12 and G␣ 13 but not by G␣ q . Our findings suggest that ␣ 1 AR-induced hypertrophic responses are mediated in part by a G␣ 12/13 -Rho-JNK pathway, in part by a G q/11 -JNK pathway that is Rho independent, and in part by a G␥ pathway that is JNK independent. Key Words: c-Jun NH 2 -terminal kinase Ⅲ G 12 family G proteins Ⅲ ␣ 1 -adrenergic receptors Ⅲ hypertrophy I n cardiomyocytes, stimulation of G-protein-coupled receptors activates mitogen-activated protein kinases, including c-Jun NH 2 -terminal kinase (JNK), which can subsequently trigger hypertrophic responses. 1 ␣ 1 -Adrenergic receptors (␣ 1 ARs) are G q -coupled receptors expressed in the heart, and they are thought to play a role in cardiac hypertrophy. Significant evidence points to an important role for G␣ q in receptor-induced hypertrophic responses. For example, ␣ 1 AR-induced hypertrophy can be inhibited by neutralizing antibodies that recognize G␣ q . In addition, a mutated M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor with impaired coupling to G q , in contrast to the wild-type receptor, is unable to induce hypertrophy. 2,3 It has also been reported that cardiac hypertrophy can be induced by expressing a constitutively active mutant of G␣ q . 4 In total, these results suggest that G␣ q plays an essential role in G q -coupled receptor-mediated hypertrophy, a conclusion strengthened by evidence that overexpression of protein kinase C, which is activated by diacylglycerol, can induce hypertrophy in a transgenic animal model. 5 Recent reports have demonstrated that var...