620.952The possibility of using by-products from production of fuels and lube oils for manufacturing new coolants to replace the high-quality ceresin-wax products and synthetic resins supplied from abroad -substitutes of products of natural origin (vegetable oils, colophony), and expensive and scarce petrochemical products (indene-coumarone, styrene-indene resins, etc.) was examined.. VNIKTIneftekhimoborudovanie Co. is the leading domestic institute on development of oil plasticizers, ceresin-wax products, and resin agents primarily made from oil-refining and petrochemical by-products and wastes.Let us examine some of the Institute's latest developments.With the fall of the USSR and rupture of the economic bonds of enterprises, providing metalworking enterprises in Russia with oil-based coolants (CL) became complicated. Deliveries of the CL OSM-1, OSM-3, and Ukrinol-23 from Ukraine for abrasive processing and cold stamping operations almost stopped. Kerosene, relatively widely used in honing and superfinishing operations, is an inflammable and environmentally problematic product.To eliminate imports of CL for abrasive processing of metals and cold stamping and for use in kerosene honing and superfinishing, CL corresponding to the imported CL in physicochemical and performance properties were created. This was preceded by an analysis of the formula of the CL and selection of the base components and additives based on readily available domestic feedstock with qualified utilization of oil-industry wastes and by-products.Mineral oils are usually the base for more than 90% of oil CL. Studies have shown that in many cases, oil-refining by-products and wastes, particularly some distillates and extracts from selective treatment of different 450 oils with no qualified use and contained in atmospheric resid, can be used as the oil base in many cases. For example, extracts from treatment of certain cuts can be used in CL for stamping and cutting metals, in self-emulsifying oils and other products, and low-viscosity distillates can be used in lubricants for precision mechanics. In addition, not transformer and hydraulic VMGZ oils, but their bases can be used in the formulas for new CL. In addition, used transformer oil is recommended as a base and this has been successfully implemented in production of experimental CL. Imported and expensive, scarce domestic components are excluded from the formula for CL: feedstock of animal and plant origin (wool fat, cotton oil, Chloref, OP-4).For clean conditions of polishing and precision abrasive treatment of metals (honing and superfinishing), MNSh-9 LC was created to replace OSM-1 from L'vov Oil Refinery. The production tests in honing operations showed that this CL ensures high output and satisfies the requirements for surface roughness and precision of the openings in the treated articles. Its physicochemical properties satisfy the requirements: in comparison to kerosene, it has no unpleasant odor in the bench zone and is less flammable.F o r a v e r a g e a n d h e a v y t r e a t...