We study the ground-state phase diagram of a Heisenberg model with spin S = 1 2 on a diamond-like decorated square lattice. A diamond unit has two types of antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, and the ratio λ between the length of the diagonal bond and that of the other four edges determines the strength of frustration. It has been pointed out [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 85, 033705 (2016)] that the so-called tetramer-dimer states, which are expected to be stabilized in an intermediate region of λ c < λ < 2, are identical to the square-lattice dimer covering states, which ignited renewed interest in high-dimensional diamond-like decorated lattices. In order to determine the phase boundary λ c , we employ the modified spin wave method to estimate the energy of the ferrimagnetic state and obtain λ c = 0.974. Our obtained magnetizations for spin-1 2 sites and for spin-1 sites are m = 0.398 andm = 0.949, and spin reductions are 20 % and 5%, respectively. This indicates that spin fluctuation is much smaller than that of the S = 1 2 square-lattice antiferromagnet: thus, we can consider that our obtained ground-state energy is highly accurate. Further, our numerical diagonalization study suggests that other cluster states do not appear in the ground-state phase diagram.
IntroductionThe exploration of frustration in quantum spin models has been one of the most interesting issues in condensed matter physics. 1 The systems consisting of diamond units with frustration have also attracted wide attention both experimentally and theoretically. 2-10The diamond chain is one of the typical systems with diamond units, and it was proposed by Takano et al. 2 It is a one-dimensional lattice system, and a diamond unit has two types of antiferromagnetic interactions. As shown in Fig. 1 (a), solid and dashed lines, respectively, represent exchange parameters J and J ′ , and the ratio λ = J ′ /J determines the ground-state properties. It has been known that, in the case of spin J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. DRAFT S = 1 2 , three types of ground-state phases exist: the dimer-monomer (DM) state for 2 < λ, the tetramer-dimer (TD) state for 0.909 < λ < 2, and the ferrimagnetic state for λ < 0.909. 2 In the TD state, as shown in Fig. 1 (a), diamond units with triplet pairs (shaded blue ovals) and with singlet pairs (unshaded red ovals) are arranged alternately. This arrangement results from the fact that for λ < 2, the energy decreases as the number of triplet pairs increases, but nearest-neighbor repulsion exists between two diamond units with triplet pairs, which can be explained by the variational principle and the Lieb-Mattice theorem. 2, 3 In the TD state, the edge spins, which are represented by the small open circles in Fig. 1 (a), always belong to a tetramer. Furthermore, as we will show later, the singlet pair on the dotted lines makes the four interactions J in the diamond unit vanish effectively. We note that the above-mentioned property of a tetramer is that of a dimer in the dimer covering model. If we regard a tetramer as a "dimer", we can ident...