Because of writing the scientific work, it was established that the protracted war, terrorist attacks on the energy infrastructure and the subsequent suppression of the economy provoked by this are the main sources of risks for the financial stability of commercial banks. The state of investment activity of commercial banks was studied and it was determined that in order to increase it and reduce the risk of loss of liquidity in war conditions, commercial banks should apply methods of passive investment portfolio management. It has been proven that the combination of financial assets with different investment terms in the investment portfolio will allow taking into account the fluctuations of interest rates and the level of interest risk, which is under the influence of investment owners. It was determined that with the beginning of the war, the share of non-performing loans expectedly increased, most noticeably in the retail segment. Despite significant write-downs, the banking sector posted a quarterly profit after a loss-making first half, driven by operational efficiency. The net assets of banks for the third quarter of 2022 were analyzed, which increased by 7.5% and exceeded the pre-war level, this happened due to the increase in the volume of deposit certificates of the NBU. It was established that the TOP-10 banks of the country included banks that were able to continue working despite the introduction of martial law and hostilities and maintain their credit and investment portfolio at the proper level: Privatbank, Ukreximbank, FUIB, Ukrgasbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Oschadbank, Sens Bank, OTР Bank, Universal Bank and Credit Agricole Bank. It was established that in order to develop the investment activity of commercial banks in the conditions of military aggression, the following basic requirements must be observed: continuity of the investment process; availability of a diversified portfolio, where capital investment will be focused on 4–5 classes; one must allow the portfolio to grow with the market during upswings, but at the same time protect it during periods of general decline.
Essence and features of the system of financial stability of enterprises of aviation industry of Ukraine is certain. The enterprises of the aviation industry of Ukraine occupy a special place in the development of the country's economy. Taking into account the peculiarities of the aviation industry, the financial stability of an enterprise is the ability of an aviation enterprise to function on the basis of effective management of financial resources through an adequate response to changes in the external and internal environment. The main conditions for ensuring the financial stability of aviation industry enterprises are: the provision of assets with a high degree of liquidity; predominance of own sources of property formation over borrowed and borrowed ones; continuity of business activities; legal capacity and legal capacity of a legal entity. The analysis of indexes of estimation of modern development of aviation industry of Ukraine status is carried out. Based on the study, we note that the aviation industry of Ukraine in 2021 is focused on the same problems as during the second half of 2020: managing daily financial losses, improving safety and offering attractive prices aimed at returning passenger demand, as causes the need to build a more effective system for assessing and managing the financial condition of enterprises in a particular industry. Separate conclusions are formed in relation to determination of separate terms of the use of indexes of financial stability taking into account the modern state of aviation industry of Ukraine. Presented recommendation in relation to the process of management financial stability on the enterprises of aviation industry of Ukraine taking into account the modern terms of menage.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and systemic crisis phenomena in the economy of many countries, limited financial and logistical resources in most agri-food enterprises, financial leasing is one of the innovative procedures aimed at upgrading fixed assets of economic entities by obtaining the latest equipment without a significant expenditure of funds for a one-time payment of its full value. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to form a procedure for optimizing management decisions on the selection of cost-effective partners in the field of financial leasing to increase the level of profitability of the enterprise. The article, based on direct methods of decision-making theory, adapts three decisive conditions for determining the economic feasibility of relationships with counterparties in the field of financial leasing. As a result of the research, the procedure of rating the economic utility of financial and economic relations of the agri-food enterprise-lessor with partners by synthesizing, normalizing and comparing the main parameters that characterize the specifics of leasing relations with each potential counterparty-lessee of a particular agri-food enterprise-lessor.