frequencies of the bandwidth although the level of reflection is significantly decreased in overall compared with the initial design. The optimum designs for the case of two and four protruding vias are shown in Table 2. The responses corresponding to these designs are shown in Figures 6(b) and 6(c).
CONCLUSIONSWe demonstrate a technique to broaden the useable bandwidth of the CBCPW-to-SIW transitions. The transition structures are modified by introducing-as the tuning elements-metalized vias partially protruding into the substrate in the transition region. The vias can be easily implemented within the SIC/SIW manufacturing technology. The transition geometry as well as the location and the size of extra vias are adjusted using the adaptive design specifications algorithm exploiting coarse-discretization EM transition models. This allows us to find the optimal designs at a low-computational cost. 10. N.V. Queipo, R.T. Haftka, W. Shyy, T. Goel, R. Vaidynathan, and P.K. Tucker, Surrogate-based analysis and optimization, Prog Aerosp Sci 41 (2005), 1-28. 11. CST Microwave Studio, ver. 2010, CST AG, CST Microwave Studio Germany, 2010. 12. T.G. Kolda, R.M. Lewis, and V. Torczon, Optimization by direct search: new perspectives on some classical and modern methods, SIAM Rev 45 (2003), 385-482. 13. S. Koziel, Adaptively adjusted design specifications for efficient optimization of microwave structures, Prog Electromagn Res B (PIER B) 21 (2010), 219-234.ABSTRACT: A novel ultra wideband (UWB) antenna with coplanar waveguide (CPW) feed, consisting of a circular patch and a ground ABSTRACT: A novel ultra-wide band bandpass filter with notched band is presented. Multi-mode resonator is realized using a stepped-impedance slotline. The resonator is orthogonally coupled to the microstrip feed lines, and ultra-wide passband is obtained. Microstrip open loop resonators are loaded on the slotline, and notched band from 5.1 to 5.3 GHz is achieved. The filter is designed, fabricated, and measured. Good agreement is achieved between measured and predicted results.